Wow!  For my 40th birthday, Maureen arranged a surprise birthday party.   It was GREAT!  50 adults and 30 kids showed up to give me grief .... er, to help me celebrate making it to forty.  In spite of some near misses, Darwin hasn't caught up with me yet.

Since I'm somewhat sensitive to privacy, only first names are used here.  You all know who you are ;-).  

After arriving home from watching Shrek with Maureen and the boys (you're a sneaky woman Reen!), my first clue was Chris and Barb (from Lakewood) driving down the street as we were driving up.  The second was Bill from work parked outside -- and he's never been to our house before.  When I walked into the kitchen, there was a huge gathering!

I wanted to talk to everyone, but I immediately got drafted by the kids to come out front and do some mock sword fighting with the ruffians from Renaissance Adventures.


After being slain multiple times, I joined the gang in the back yard.  There were pavilions set up, chairs, tables, and all the party trimmings.


I'm the guy walking around with the cane ;-).  I'm also wearing a t-shirt announcing to the world that I'm the one who's 40....


It was too crowded in back for some folks.  There really were chairs inside and out back, but perhaps Mike, Sandy, Eric, and Patti were preparing for the annual camping adventure to Lake McConaughy.


Besides my mom, sister, and brother, there's also my college roommate and his wife.  I think their kids are still out front slaying dragons.


Maureen's family filled at least one of the pavilions.  It was great to have them all here!


I'm waiting in line for my turn on the tramp.


We have a regular gathering on Sunday afternoons with the church bunch.  Today the gathering was at our place (though I had been told that it wasn't -- sneaky sneaky!)


Joe, Donna, Patty, Eric's mom, Eric, and Dennis.  Leslie and Chris are in the background.


Maureen cuts the cake and Carol dishes it up.  Doug is making sure to get the best piece (and he just turned 40 himself).


It looks like I've given up on waiting in line for the tramp.


Opening presents.  MANY gag gifts!


My nephew Daniel did most of the unwrapping.  He loved it!


What a great time!  I couldn't have asked for a better party or a better gift than this awesome gathering!  Many thanks to all who helped and to all who came.

Special thanks to Maureen!!  And Mom, Karen, Dennis, Eli & Chris, Donna, and everyone else who pitched in.

Many thanks to Rick and Karen for these photos!  If you have any photos to add, please send them my way. 

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